chevelon butte wind project west camp wind project disabled energy handicapped parking spaces for wind farms consumes many square miles

STOP Chevelon Butte wind project at Chevelon Canyon

and while the country and deserts provide plenty the cities never provide any thus these projects are inequtable, much more needs to be done to provide parking in the cities for these disabled energy systems, and not only that, the land owners out there at Chevelon Canyon have no grid power!

Chevelon Butte Wind 50 square miles

West Camp Wind Farm 100 square miles

 open space ruined by up to 170 turbines creating an industrial zone filled with sky scraper USE & BURN ENERGY monsters making them the tallest things in the entire state, for people of Arizona and beyond that care about the planet and their slice of it need to stop these projects. The energy they produce is often unable to be used thus turbines are then turned on to remove the excess BURNING UP ENERGY!

The very foundational principles of these systems being set up around the world is like building them on quicksand and thus should not be built, they are movie sets providing theater, not robust energy systems that self produce energy, all the promises marketing and governments make defy physics they use energy more than they produce

view my submission to the Iowa Utilities Board on January 22, 2021 detailing this here
150 square miles of HANDICAPPED ENERGY dedicated parking spaces at the region of Arizona's Little Grand Canyon south of Winslow and I-40 at Chevelon Canyon will look worse than this!

this is saving the planet?
compare before and after

See how turbines are built using no wind or solar power at all just reliable robust plentiful energy.

Noise made by these things "it can be heard coming down the lum and you can hear it through th eextractor fan in the bathroom. You can hear those two noises all of the time. When the wind is heading towards the house you hear it bad"

Also known as All Over The Map energy (AOTMe) these chaotic systems should only be sited 93 million miles away on the Sun to be safe and effectively away from conning us out of our green $$$ energy

Who said "the term clean energy messed up people's minds"?
1) God
2) The Devil in the details
3) Bill Gates
click here to find answer

Latest news: Arizona Corporation Commission decision for docket L-21080A-19-0171-00182 decided on December 28, 2021 regarding request for added height to transmission towers in one mile segment in Navajo County view the document

read my public comment to Iowa Utilities Board

this project is fully approved by both counties with few conditions 

also visit


for details on what can happen to land values read this 177 page Real Estate Consulting Report Impact Analysis of the Niyol Wind Farm on Surrounding Rural Residential and Agricultural land Values in Logan County Colorado

views of disabled energy parking lots in Palm Springs and Desert Hot Springs

The grid cannot sustain all the
massive fluctuations that go on with chaotic unreliable wind energy thus standby power based on natural gas and other fossil fuels is often turned on to smooth out things and excesses from renewables power other wind turbines to use it up. This happens all the time. Look closely at turbines sometimes they are producing wind like a home fan. How much energy will this project burn up? How much green $ energy is burned up? When we calculate all the costs we are not really getting ahead in this clean energy thing. We are actually wasting it while we are doing what to our beautiful open spaces.

does Arizona have a bill like the one proposed in New York that mandates public be well notified in advance and robust public discussion proceed well in advance before any such electrical generation project could be approved whereas 51% of voters in affected district giving approval by vote would be required?

PLANET OF THE HUMANS a film by Michael Moore and Jeff Gibbs
it exposes the lies of the industry - it can be viewed online for free

He worked in banking for wind industry thinking he was helping save the planet until he realized he wasn't

Headwind 21 documentary looks at the conflicts between the reality of climate and the destruction these power sites force on open natural environments and where is all the money going. These projects often send your money to PENSIONS rather than for the people where these systems infiltrate.
new scientific review published on the effects of wind disturbing sleep and health

Navajo County planning had a 3 vote FOR and 2 vote AGAINST while project developer sPower misleads on website stating all voted overwhelmingly in support. They may be referring only to the Navajo County Board of Supervisors where 4 voted FOR and Jason Whiting was ABSENT but that is still not overwhelming approval when one VERY KEY SUPERVISOR did not vote and thus did not represent his district properly. Jason is supposed to represent those affected most in his district that covers Chevelon Canyon Ranch, Chevelon Acres, and Chevelon Retreat. He was missing in action completely not even mentioning anything about this project on his websites and doing NOTHING to help the people there. The majority of people living around there DO NOT WANT THE PROJECT ANYWHERE NEAR THEM.

read more about Jason Whiting here
note that this is now a printout the links do not function

Also read about STRIP MINING OF FORESTS for massive profits. Strip mining the Apache Sitgreaves forest is a pet project which Jason Whiting boasts about along with him being donned so called 'Supervisor of the Year' on his internet presence page. Strip mining of these forest fuels will change that forest forever it's got the cutsy name 'bio mass' and like fake clean energy is promoted as being "good for the planet" but the truth is they come in and wreak havoc with old growth forests. Bio-mass pollutes more than coal.

Coconino County planning  has 10 board members - all voted FOR the project to be built - KACHING! Their Board of Supervisors was not required to vote when there is a majority vote by planning. This also may be what sPower is referring to by "overwhelming support" but this is only by planners who likely have dollar$ in mind as a priority. It's odd that Board of Supervisors would not also vote on such a massive project that seriously changes the entire landscape there and negatively affects many land owners but of course as we have seen over and over again in the industrialized world what the people want is often ignored and steam rolled over by others in government positions of power. There was a short lived opportunity for the public to appeal the vote by planning but the public was not aware of this and it was only a 15 day period after the vote. 95% of the project will be sited there in Coconino County on about 46 square miles leaving about 3 square miles of it with 8 turbines in Navajo County just south of Chevelon Canyon near the crossing.


view of unspoiled view of Chevelon Butte on 99 south of Winslow
Special Use Permit Application by developer sPower can be viewed here

The turbines would rise 755 feet high at the highest blade tip.
The Transamerica Pyramid building in San Francisco is 853 feet high. Wells Fargo Tower in Los Angeles is 720 feet high. View Los Angeles downtown skyline. These turbines are incredibly big and will horrify the landscape at Chevelon Canyon and Butte and surrounding views from all around for many miles. It's currently a gorgeous vista for a hundred miles on a clear day. The project has been approved by the two counties. Since the butte area is about 200 feet over most Chevelon Canyon area properties they will rise almost 70 stories tall!

See how they look when driving by them in Kansas during a tornado. Kansas, wind farms, tornado alley.....this is like out of a sci-fi fright fest movie yet it's become a real terror. At about 40 seconds in notice to the right one turbine spinning clockwise and the other counterclockwise, one was producing power, the other was burning up power. In fact as the movie plays you can see others doing the same thing. The filmer was driving 4 minutes plus and the turbines were endless. This is similar to how Chevelon Butte would be on 99 though they would be on both sides of the 99. I have watched these things draw power myself at Palm Springs.

How could America and the world let this happen to itself?

Chevelon Butte Wind project claimed to be a maximum 477 MW facility would cost taxpayers almost $1 billion in wasted energy. Since these renewable projects are all net losses and some say a new and improved ponzi scheme that just transfers our energy to others, imagine doing so many other things with those subsidy funds, like helping homeless build their own homes, and bringing in electricity to areas like east of the canyon to spur growth instead of building another dark energy wind farm that burns up energy from other wind farms.

It would be another story if wind turbines in these industrial farming applications actually did what the sales people promised, but they don't, this is well proven, they add more CO2 to the air because of standby power needs that make sure this chaotic form of energy does not bring down the grid, so we need to STOP Chevelon Butte wind from ruining that region and stop all this renewable disabled energy madness where we are expecting these handicapped machines to do what they cannot do.

Bill Gates has said we need to stop messing with renewables
he also said "the term clean energy messed up people's minds" going on to explain that an industrial economy cannot function on these disabled energy systems but rather requires robust energy that can only come from energy sources that are constant and reliable.

Here is the sound map how far out areas are affected according to the companies selling you this disabled energy so knowning first hand how sound can travel much further this is showing it at bare minimum. Green at the edge is stated to be basically no effect and is a few miles away from them. Some of the good or bad things about this whole project as it's being developed will be massive spotlights lighting up these as they are built into the night, bright security lights to protect equipment and parts likely seen glowing from many areas and more security personnell. No longer the serene wild west it will be Los Angeles factory zone with 175 skyscrapers 60 floors high. Is this what Arizona wants? The flashing red lights will be seen from as far away as Uranus or Neptune or what is it lately, a planet or rock named Pluto as the science still can't figure that one out either, they decide by vote!
noise area and how much view shed will be ruined to the west of Chevelon properties east of the canyon
It would provide up to 200 construction jobs for about a year many of which would be imported labor not local and it would have up to TWO full time maintenance reps, that's it. Only 2 jobs created while a lot of money from this flows into certain hands of long time already rich land owners and for corporations, and stock and retirement portfolios around the world. Certainly those planners would benefit as all civil service jobs have lucrative pensions. Rate payers will be pitching in too meaning everything that requires electricity in the entire State of Arizona, homes and businesses and products manufactured, and even your morning coffee made at your local business (if that is ever allowed to open up again in the latest scam to get your money was Kovid falling off the runaway dreams of success) will help make those involved get a transfer of your energy directly to them. The people will the be paying for this for decades in their electric bills and taxes.

Jack's Canyon just off Route 87 would see this farm, the Chevelon Butte is center right in the image below where most of them to the left and right of it would be placed.

they can barely be seen in this simulation but in real life in many conditions they would be seen and especially at night with red flashing lights

This image is a disingenous presentation - they would be much more prominent in most lighting conditions and very very much so would the red flashing warning lights be seen which would completely destroy the serenity of how we 'recharge' when we go far from city lights and industry. That experience would vanish to a good degree as seeing nothing but darkness is KEY element in the ability to 'recharge'. It would still be dark at this spot but you would notice the blinking at night without any doubt they are bright. During the day in many days especially clear they would be quite visible even though they are 5 miles away. Here you can see if you haven't already how fantastic is is out here to live. Driving paved Highway 87 facing north as in this next image fails to show how you would see this farm very prominently, much more than this simulation presents in most lighting conditions. I have seen them around Palm Springs so I know. At night no way to miss the red flashing lights. Look at
my simulation of North 87 here.

These landscape horror farms are
all basically energy transfer schemes,
your energy to theirs. We have to stop them as they are wasting energy.

these turbines will look a whole lot worse than this image presents

as stated in the permit application

KOP 3: State Route 87, Northbound (Coconino County) This KOP represents the view of a vehicular passenger traveling north on SR 87, southwest of the project site. This view from the two-lane, paved road is on a downward slope that ranges from one hundred to a few hundredfeet above the base of the proposed turbines. The turbines in the simulation are located a minimum of 4.79 milesfrom the KOP. This view has minimal vegetation and topographic obstructions of Chevelon Butte and East Sunset Mountain; therefore, the projectwould be clearly visible to a casual observer but at a distance that would not dominate the views. From this view, the contrast this project would introduce to the landscape will be moderate. This view was photographed midday on May 14, 2019

I know how these look from many angles at Palm Springs that features 2000+ of these turbines SMALLER IN SIZE THAN THESE and they stand out horribly in many lighting conditions. Only certain times with low haze/fog in the air do they look like how this simulation by sPower presents.

They present this legend:

The distance zones for evaluating impacts to scenery are:

Foreground: up to 1mile
Middle Ground: one to 3miles
Background: three to 5milesThe level of perceived contrast between the proposed project elements and the existing landscape is classified using the following definitions:

None: The contrast is not visible or perceived.
Weak: The element contrast can be seen but does not attract attention.
Moderate: The element contrast begins to attract attention and begins to dominate the characteristic landscape.
Strong: The element contrast demands attention, would not be overlooked, and is dominant in the landscape.

If you look at this photo I captured in similar weather of Palm Springs area these are about half the size of what is offered for Chevelon Butte and closer, so looking at this actually is similar as if they were taller and further away as the simulation of 87 shows. The camera I used is low quality yet you can even see how the ones far away on the right side which are 8 miles away stand out. Those ones on the right are about 65% the size of the ones that will be featured at Chevelon Butte if it proceeds to completion.

wind farms stand out even in the shade

I think spoiling such views with white wind towers 60 floors high that burn energy that other wind farms and solar farms produce is obscene. They are also a distraction as you drive past them or even just try to gaze out at the landscape.

And what about all the wildlife these kill? Where are the bird protection groups? Sierra Club always approves of these. Why?

This next image is KOP 5 said to represent driving south on 99 4.1 miles from the farm that the driver would see prominently. This image does not represent this stark enough at all. They would be very well seen RUINING that complete horizon and driving through them they will be DISORIENTING monstrocities as tall as Los Angeles skyscrapers especially if the wind is blowing or if they are drawing energy from the grid which they routinely do to BURN UP excess renewable energy on the grid that often has no buyers or cannot be used. This region has lacked major development for hundreds of thousands of years. I don't think it should invite these in really.

Take special note - look at the BRIGHT WHITE LINE on the road - that is EXACTLY how those wind sticks you can barely see in this simulation would look STARK WHITE standing out ever so prominently. One point though is that in winter months on a day like this with no snow some shading occurs depending on the position of the Sun and the shadowing can affect how they are seen as then there is one side from this direction that would feature part of it in light "grey" and blend in a a little. This is so sad. This is so vast.


Close up view of this proposed simulation of a sunny day does not show how bright white they are. Click on the image to see large view magnification.

These wind outfits never seem to go the extra mile to present them accurately, while they all expect us to with our taxes and electric bills. They purposely are deceiving the public by making them appear almost obscure by toning down the white. They should be as bright as that white line on the road even in the distance on a clear day like is shown here. Often they purposely make the simulation used by from a hazy or cloudy day.

This next simulation is KOP 8 and is especially disengenuous. They are not so barely visible they are seen VERY WELL at this distance. Within that center section I outlined sPower owned by AES Corporation which also ruined views in Hawaii with wind turbines presents it like they are not even there.

Look closely at the obvious one on the right then far right in the rectangle section that one is visible in distance, then to the left of that you can't even see them here, but they would be VERY visible on a day like this and especially because there would be no or extremely little shadowing as the Sun is almost always on them as this is facing north. This is only one of two other ways out of that area really.

Here's how they really look as you are approaching and driving through them and this is from a lousy camera. Some are very close others are a couple miles and up to about 4 miles. If I had a better camera you would see these so sharp and clear, not like they don't exist. 

My feeling is that developers don't want you to see them as they really are or you would most likely do what most everyone does and says STOP this horrible waste of energy and landscape blighting.

Speaking of them maybe making power / using power on 1-5-2020 I again saw one spinning rather fast, then about ten minutes later saw 5 in that same area spinning. It was another no wind day. As I got closer I could see the angles of the blades, the 5 were all producing wind not energy.


AGENDA for Navajo County Planning Commission hearing October 17, 2019

MINUTES for Navajo County Planning Commission hearing October 17, 2019

 update on May 4, 2024 - of course the pages for the agenda and minutes has DIAPPEARED as is what always happens with these kinds of schemes this is the place holder that of course shows pretty flowers pine trees and clean air but not a single disgusting wind turbine that uglifies landscapes

contact Navajo County at (928) 524-4100 or online here

This BOARD OF SUPERVISORS voted to approve in December 2019

Coconino County conditional use permit PLANNING COMMISSION hearing was December 4th I will post minutes of meeting when available which by law are supposed to be available in 3 days after such hearings THEY STATE THEY WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL START OF NEW YEAR
there was no live video

Their PLANNING COMMISSION voted to approve. AFTER THE FACT we find out that the BOARD does NOT have to hear this, if the planning commission in Coconino approves, it's approved. That just does not seem right. And we also find later that there was a 15 day period that the public could have APPEALED that. Coconino County clerk did not tell me this prior.

 regarding FAA required lighting

sPower in SUP presents they would use aircraft activated lighting on the turbines that would only go on when aircraft is near - FAA requires application for these and this is not guaranteed they would approve - I think most likely they would not - if approved this type of lighting can stay on for 30 minutes at a time thus if aircraft flies over head every 30 minutes they are on all night long anyway. I think this was a sales tactic.

 more on simulations

For properties east of the canyon there are no simulations other than one day time view from Chevelon Retreat where there are more trees in the way so I presented a page with some of my own here


VIEW MAP did those in section 19 at the end of the Chevelon Canyon Ranch roads get reimbursed for use of their private property?

Where oh where are the flying wildlife groups? Certainly Sierra Club not against as they have repeatedly approved these bird shredders.

Coconino County special use permit request for 156 or more massive wind turbines at Chevelon Butte - here is snapshot of agenda - look at item #2 case CUP-19-041

It's interesting to also see in this same agenda that Flagstaff is seeking a Dark Sky Specialist

Coconino County agenda center is located
Board of Supervisors video stream

Coconino County
parcel viewer map  Apache Navajo Counties map shows where the power lines are located already close up of Chevelon Butte to Hutch Road showing State Trust lands

Chevelon Canyon and Mogollon Ranch areas are all affected
view maps

HUTCH ROAD and Route 99 to be used for access in construction phase

NAVAJO COUNTY would have to approve of this special use permit for the project to move ahead

land owners need to tell the county NO

Navajo County Planning & Zoning Commission heard item for special use permit request by sPower on October 17th

it will also be heard by Navajo County Board of Supervisors on December 10th, 9:00am in Holbrook at the County Complex

GEN-TIE environmental impact APPROVED on 10/28/2019 after this was approved they of course applied for taller towers and thse were of course approved by the county


Arizona Corporation Commission states that the project meets their guidlines for environmental compatibility and "Page 2Docket No. L-21080A-19-0171-001821The Commission further finds and concludes that in balancing the broad public interest in this2matter:31.5678The Project is in the public interest because it aids the state in meeting the need for an4adequate, economical, and reliable supply of electric power"

This flies in the face of reality wind farms are NOT RELIABLE, NOT ECONOMICAL, and NOT ADEQUATE supplies of electric power. It may "aid" the reliable power grid that is based on reliable fossil fuels or reliable hydro dams or reliable nuclear but very little, just try asking any of these people involved for exact numbers on how much POWER THEY DRAW FROM THE GRID VS. HOW MUCH THEY ADD. Mr. Unrein of sPower would not provide me with even estimates as I requested.

Telling us that they will "aid" is like telling us we can "aid" the traffic control tower at the airport with a drug crazed individual who needs work in assisting the staff which is how wind energy behaves and gets delivered to the grid IF it gets delivered at all, it is chaotic. It's like the controllers can tell that wacky drug crazed energy to go sit in the corner at times, many times to make sure it doesn't ruin the grid as they don't even always "aid" the grid with the power that is generated. These are NOT ECONOMICAL as they depend on taxpayers they cannot function in a free market. THEY ARE WASTES OF OUR ENERGY.

Warren Buffet invests in wind saying that the only reason they work is because of tax payer's subsidies that he would not invest in them without the subsidies as they are not profitable. I'm sure he doesn't have any in his back yard. The rich always plop these on the poorer rural areas making what little they may have now or ever had as they lived in the country peacefully such as the awesome beauty of dark skies be destroyed by their interest in creating energy for their portfolios as they claim it's good for the people when in reality it is only good for those profiting from drawing our energy into their bank accounts.

""We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit."

THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE unless you pump your tax dollars into these net loss of energy machines that ruin the environment creating vast expances of handicapped energy parking lots

Navajo County website shows application for special use permit in PDF 329 pages look at the "Proposed Site Access" section on page 15

view document here

i will be updating with a review of the entire special use permit application submitted by sPower to Navajo County with comments as I find time

special note: On 9/15/2019 I signed up for email alerts on AZCC docket portal online services I received one notice and THAT WAS ALL. I was not notified of the October 11 and 18 open meeting agenda or the decision by the AZCC email notification system. As I go look at that area of the login portal I see it's asking me to sign up as if I never did. ?????? Being that I made a rather fierce public opposition and have written extensively on this matter I find this interesting that the system suddenly dropped me from being notified. Also I have been waiting on receiving the transcripts of the meeting in September so as to study what was discussed in that meeting. As of 11/7/2019 I have received no response from Coash & Coash. I was under the impression I had time as it was stated that they were looking at another meeting on December 5, suddenly I go check on the AZCC portal and find they made their decision. Was I shut out? No. I made the error of choosing to "filter" as I was interested in receiving new posts in opposition so that's all I got, since there were no additional oppositions posted (though there is a lot of actual opposition) I never received any notices. If you sign up for following dockets be sure to leave this "filter" blank, just enter your email under the receive updates section. I spoke with both Coash & Coash and AZCC regarding these items. Coash & Coash assisted me beautifully and promised to send me the transcripts of the 3 days of hearings at no cost in read only format. I sent letter to address for AZCC? It's confusing on their site as there are two addresses. AZCC was also very helpful in resolving this confusion. Thanks to all of them who assisted. These matters were handled professionally and politely and expediciously. Be sure to just call them if you need assistance as that can save you a lot of time, frustration, and it can provide quick resolutions of your concerns and don't wait around especially with Navajo and Coconino special use permit hearings and matters. Here are the contacts exactly as stated on website at Docket control is AZCC. They only have transcripts that they host. The September meetings were hosted by Attorney General and Coash & Coash maintains those. It's a bit confusing. I hope this brings some clarity. Here you will see the contacts, below those is my PREFERRED VERSION which I have suggested they consider some possible changes. Keep in mind AZCC handles all sorts of grid matters and proposals for new lines and such so you may want to look at projects near you.

For transcripts dated 1/1/2014 and later:

Pursuant to the contract between
the State of Arizona and Coash & Coash
transcripts are not available for viewing on the internet.

For meetings hosted by AZCC to view transcripts in person please contact Docket Control at:

Arizona Corporation Commission
1200 W. Washington St., Room #108
Phoenix, AZ 85257

Phone: (602) 542-3477

For meetings hosted by others such as Attorney General to view, purchase, or have a copy of a transcript sent to you email please contact Coash & Coash, Inc.

transcripts MAY be provided at no cost but check with them on conditions - contact them at:

Coash & Coash, Inc.
1802 N. 7th St
Phoenix, AZ 85006

Phone: (602) 258-1440 or email:

wind energy subsidies are ending soon and they are scrambling to get theirs locked in for decades of your money flowing to them in what we could call a windfall of gobs of your energy going to the rich investors, developers, and all involved, money that should be going to build homes for people on the streets and roads and bridges to somewhere


click here for details and what public comments were made

read my public comment 

you can intervene in a case with proper notice at least 5 days prior - you can ask questions of a witness this way

have your voice heard though much of the time none of these politicians listen as we saw through the war on viruses recently where Kovid fell off the Project Runway and everyone rushed in and said "I caught Kovid" as if it too was a competition

GEN-TIE first set of hearings in Sept are over there may be more on Dec 4

there was a overwhelming opposition but the GEN-TIE was approved of course!

there are various parts to this whole process of approvals the latest is with Navajo County as sPower seeks a special use permit - see above

RE: sPower the wind project developer

sPower was bought by AES corporation in 2018

it is a global conglomerate with energy projects everywhere

AES corporation is responsible for soon to see destruction of even the most beautiful part of the world, Hawaii, with energy wasting blight inducing disgusting wind farms using your guaranteed tax dollars


these tax subsidy schemes that are the foundation of building these disgusting view hacking wind farms funnel your money into the rich portfolios around the world away from you and away from more important & more efficient uses of your tax dollars like roads and non nauseating projects that do not waste energy

it is a massive publicly traded company with 2018 income of $11 billion much of that comes from money transferred from you to them in various ways including the pipelines to your tax cash called federal subsidies

The company's founding was 1981 by Roger Sant and Dennis Bakke. Roger Sant was initially an appointee on the Federal Energy Administration by Richard Nixon.

Then there was the Enron scandal in 2002.

The company is involved with a "power center energy storage project" with Southern California Edison.* Is this a battery storage facility I wonder - these systems are already proven to be expensive and ineffective in assisting in managing the utter chaos that wind and solar infuse into the grid where as the wind farms are routinely turned on powering the blades from over supply.

"After passage of the deregulation law, California had a total of 38 Stage 3 rolling blackouts declared, until federal regulators intervened during June 2001.[54] These blackouts occurred as a result of a poorly designed market system that was manipulated by traders and marketers, as well as from poor state management and regulatory oversight." - wikipedia

California Public Utilities Commission and California Energy Commission brings you such wacky lies about climate and lies used to get your energy such as what appears on their website,

"Carbon dioxide isn’t harmful at natural levels, but too much can act like a layer of plastic wrap around the Earth that lets in heat from the sun but doesn’t let it escape. The atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, which is why these emissions are called greenhouse gases."

There is no plastic wrap made of carbon dioxide air. Plastic wrap is a solid. CO2 is invisible readily instantly MOVABLE air that immediately allows cooling from frigid space and frigid upper layers of atmosphere.

Our atmosphere is not a greenhouse. Calling our atmosphere a greenhouse is used as a marketing ploy. Calling carbon dioxide AIR a greenhouse gas is disingenuous as there is no solid structure up in the sky nor does carbon dioxide cause greenhouse warming.

The lie about heat being trapped is used to sell you "renewable energy" that is terribly wasteful of our resources and has never lived up to all the hype and many lies surrounding it to benefit those who are profiting immensly as they are ruining the planet with these schemes.

AZ Secretary of State shows project land listed as Chevelon Butte RE LLC as owned by Advance Energy LLC in Colorado

Chevelon Butte wind developer simulation page

Crane collapses at Spower $297 million Prevailing Wind Park wind farm project near Tripp in Charles Mix, Bon Homme and Hutchinson counties Sioux Falls, South Dakota



S Power pulls wind project out of Ohio

sPower refiles it's project in Ohio

STOP Chevelon Butte Wind
also visit &

look how wind farms & Arizona's Route 87 and 99 would look at night

flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away    flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away   flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away         flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away 

flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away    flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away   flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away         flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away 
flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away    flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away   flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away         flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away 
flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away    flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away   flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away         flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away 
flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away      flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away    flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away   flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away     flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away         flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away       flashing red lights on wind turbines are required for aviation as they are so visible and stark they can be seeen from many many miles away 

When you let green camouflage disabled energy wind farming blow into your community you will see red bright LED lights flashing all night long, incessanty ruining pristine nite sky and horizons. Industrial wind and solar wastes energy as they add chaos to the grid management systems forcing standby power to run more often so in reality we should not be building these things. Then the excess energy is dumped. We cannot allow such destruction of our energy and viewscapes to continue. The industrial application of renewables are based on a sham to get your energy.

see how horrible these things look

read more about Chevelon Butte

about that sPower "support Chevelon Butte wind" homepage

If renewable handicapped energy is being looked at as a solution to the climate that always changes we need to understand that carbon dioxide comprises a mere 4/10,000ths of the entire atmosphere where as water vapor comprises 4% or let's put it this way, water vapor is 10,000% greater in the air than CO2 is in the air and thus nothing is going wrong as there's no blankets of carbon at that rate and it's still just air that moves thus DOES NOT INSULATE thus the whole marketing pitch is based on lies.

Water vapor, sun's radiation, and space frigid minus 456 degrees below zero farenheit is THE CAUSE OF ALL EARTH'S CLIMATE CHANGE. Man has ZERO effect on it. Thus wind farms should not be built. They are a waste of our energy which could be better used for more roads and bridges, pencils in classrooms or bigger classrooms and more teachers, HEALTH CARE IN RURAL AREAS, electricity brought to rural areas, and many other things.

The Chevelon Butte wind farm that is proposed is not a good thing for Arizona, the public as a whole, do not solve climate change, and not good for the forest behind Chevelon Butte, and that entire region. Wind farms are not good for the planet either as they waste energy, cost a fortune to dismantle and dispose of, and when they are decommissioned communities can be stuck with the bills for even keeping those red aviation lights on at a cost of $1000 per month per turbine. If Coconino County gets stuck with that for keeping the electric on for those lights could cost $156,000 PER MONTH until the turbines are dismantled. They could be on the hook for all removal costs. Wind energy is not profitable, end subsidies and these projects are gone with the wind, they have no interest in building them anymore.

Wind farms are all tied to the grid existentially inextricably using fossil fuels to be built and function and be maintained and only produce 1/5th what is claimed and suck your tax dollars handing them to industrialist portfolios and then they all go spend all the money you give them to live like rock stars using more fossil fuels.

Did you know that they actually use energy from the fossil fuel based grid to force the blades to spin? I didn't either until one day when I was told about this. You might see them spinning and they might be using energy not producing it. We are on the wrong path and have to stop destroying our gorgeous serene open spaces.

Chevelon Canyon areas are so beautiful and should be left unspoiled by these blight producers.
Is this what we want our landscapes to look like everywhere with the lie called green energy?

Red flashing lights blinking all night long are appearing in every rural back yard and open space around the world with these scam transfers of YOUR GREEN DOLLAR ENERGY.

The basis for all of these renewable energy schemes is the fallacy that there are carbon blankets in the sky that wind and solar will blow away. There are no blankets or footprints as
carbon dioxide comprises so little of the atmosphere it is 100% insignificant.



S T O P Chevelon Butte Wind


Chevelon Canyon hiking is gorgeous and unspoiled ☺ pictures of Chevelon Butte and area ☺ photo climing up Chevelon Butte ☺ view from above ☺

look at how Chevelon Butte Wind Farm would likely look in the day 

view shadow flicker caused when sun lowers behind turbines 

nuclear plants are being built all over the world for reliable clean energy because wind is inefficient dark energy

I asked questions of sPower and got a rock

Mr. Unrein the project head barely scraped the graded surface of answering my most precision of questions
such as how much power is being burned up by these monstrocities.


These landscape horror farms are all basically energy transfer schemes,
your energy to theirs.


We have to stop them as they are wasting energy.



Here is the preferred night time light pollution free views that Native Americans enjoyed for thousands of years we should too as it's getting harder and further to drive thus wasting more energy to get to anywhere that is light pollution free and Chevelon Canyon is one of those rare places and should remain that way. Maintaining open space actually saves energy in many ways and it's hard to put a price on the tremendous value provided by the serenity we experience when we visit these areas and gaze up at unspoiled skies free of all light pollution where we are mezmerized by quadrazillions of stars and galaxies above us we can almost touch out there. Chevelon Butte, Chevelon Canyon and the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest offer some of the least spoiled lands anywhere in the United States and should remain that way for generations to come.

update 12/21/23 they started building last spring an overhead view shows it partially done
the initial plan was about 165 turbines at 750 feet tall I'm not sure what it at right now there were some changes made
this is going to grow like a fungus all the way to the top of the page more rows than just that one at the butte
this is just more industrialization of the planet not "saving it" whatso ever and they simply cannot
provide the energy they promise, even sailboats are more efficient than these monstrocities
that ruin vistas for miles and miles and night time views ruined with flashing red lights all night long 365 days each year.

lower right hand corner shows major trunk lines of the grid where it connects so that it can
do like what many of these wind farms do around the world, power pensions and portfolios

 such as the plethera of energy transfers provided by your dollars to the
Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board which owns Pattern Energy
which has energy sites in Arizona and California such as Ocotillo Wells
which has been off line for periods of time due to problems

I counted 29 energy facilities in the USA, Canada, Mexico
listed as owned by Pattern Energy powering pensions!


this page intentionally left free of wind turbine blight


preferred view that saves energy

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

preferred view

a workspace of i N T E R N E T M A T T E R . c o m


page updated 11/16/2023 and 12/21/2023